Ritual Song for Us All
(traducción de Areíto para todos)
Por César Sánchez Beras (1962-)
(Traducción de Rhina P. Espaillat)
They tossed me away as Apache from the plains and the wind
they tossed me out as Inca from the bark of silence
but I come back from the shadow
of past and future
they tossed me aside as Indian
but I return as Black.
They tossed me away as Black from the drumbeat of hope
they denied me the sugar mill used to grind my insides
they denied me in Yoruba
in Bantú in Carabalí
but I return to the scrubland
as runaway slave in white and black.
They tossed me away as Jew, as Latin, as Moor
they tossed me away as Hispanic, as Gullah, as slaver
they tossed me out of the clouds where I denuded the rain
they tossed me out of the hills where I denuded the earth
but I return as Indian, I return as Black.
But I return in Spanish, in Yoruba and in Taíno
trekking back across the wild trying on a new face
I come wearing the mask of those who have no country
they tossed me away, tossed me away, but I return, I return.
Escuche a la poeta Rhina Espaillat leyendo y comentando el poema de César Sánchez Beras “Areíto por todos” en español e inglés.
Publicado en el libro Los ojos del Irakere – Elegía del que huye. 2018. Usado con permiso del autor.

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